Progressing the use of glass in architecture, art and construction

Welcome to the International
Year of Glass 2022 - Region 16
Region 16 comprises the following countries.
Click on the country to go to their IYOG website - note
some websites not available yet, we will add as soon
as they are online.
New Zealand
and the Pacific Islands
See Upcoming Glaas Events in the
International Year of Glass 2022
For all Australian, Region 16 and
other Events click here and use
the filter to locate the required
region or country
is the lead organisation in Australia and is working with the
Window and Glass Association of New Zealand, Ausglass,
and many other people and organisations in the region to
create a year that showcases the many facets of glass and
its benefits to humanity.
Each region will organise its own events, for information on
specific countries please click on the country listed above to
be taken to their IYOG websites.
For anyone interested in being involved, whether that be
organising an event, being a sponsor or volunteer, please
download and complete the
and email to: Patrick@glaasinc.com.au

Toward a United Nations Declaration of 2022 as the International Year of Glass

Over the past 60 years, the General Assembly of the United Nations has acknowledged important fields of international endeavor and their contributions to society by declaring United Nations International Years. These resolutions have recognized and celebrated professional bodies, museums, journals and academia, while stimulating renewed contributions to society. Examples during the 21st century include the International Year of Astronomy, 2009, the Year of Chemistry, 2011, the Year of Light & Light-Based Technologies, 2015, and the Year of the Periodic Table, 2019.
Against this storied background and supported by sound arguments, an international groundswell has arisen to pursue a United Nations International Year of Glass for 2022 which will underline the technological, scientific and economic importance of glass — that transparent and enabling material underpinning many of our technologies and which can facilitate the development of more just and sustainable societies to meet the challenges of globalization.